
On Cloud 9

The story of my son's birth wasn't originally intended to be a homebirth.  Originally, we had planned to have our son at a free standing birth center, but due to circumstances beyond our control, t...

The Journey of a Home Birth

When you think of a birth story, you might just think of the labor and delivery part but in the case of me and my son, Silas, getting to that part was a whole story on its own. I wouldn't be doing...

Just Because It's Natural, It Does NOT Mean It's Easy

I’m currently a mother of two little boys under the age of two. As if that weren’t enough of an adventure, I also decided that I wanted to take on breastfeeding with my second. I would like to men...

Embracing My Postpartum Body

A close mommy friend of mine saw me wearing this bikini and said to me “Wow! I didn’t realize how much stretch marks you have.” The old me would’ve taken that comment, allowed it to affect my self...
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 Repost from Instagram: Shameless selfie because I bought my first "mom bod" swim suit today. And I finally feel the self love. I haven't bought a swim suit since getting pregnant with Nora mostly...
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A Micro Preemie Miracle

I'm a mama of three and photography is my side hustle. In 2011, I was a clueless expecting mama at 24 weeks going in to the OB for some symptoms people told me were "totally normal." I trusted my ...

"Young" Mom

So I guess I would be considered a “young mom” to most, I got pregnant at 20 years old after only knowing my child’s father for a short amount of time; and while she wasn’t planned I know that ther...