Why Your Second Pregnancy Is Different Than Your First

Why Your Second Pregnancy Is Different Than Your First

Should We Have Another Baby? Reading Why Your Second Pregnancy Is Different Than Your First 4 minutes Next To the Mom Who Refuses Help: Stop It

*Before we get started, let me apologize now for any misspelled words, grammar mistakes and unfinished thoughts. Pregnancy brain is in full swing. I wake up every day thinking its Monday*

Once I knew I was ready to have another baby, I couldn't WAIT to be pregnant again. I wanted the bump. I wanted to feel the kicks. But more importantly, I wanted another child to love. Now that I am 22 weeks pregnant with baby #2, here's the scoop on what it's really like...



Everything was a surprise the first time. Everything you experienced and felt was new. More importantly, you had NO idea what was to come...Ignorance is indeed bliss. 

My first pregnancy was pretty easy going. I had your typical symptoms, cravings, mood swings, round ligament pain, decreased sex drive, etc. However, my skin was AMAZING. This time around, it's a nightmare. No amount of skin care products can fix this mess.

Is it just me, or are you in more pain during your second pregnancy? Cause damn, my pelvis HURTS. Yes, it hurt the first time too. But I felt pain much earlier on this time around. My doctor said it is because our ligaments are already stretched out, so we feel things much earlier this time than with the first. So that's cool...



Why? Because this time, you are chasing another child around. In my case, I have a two year old. She is constantly on the move. I'm so busy taking care of her, that sometimes I forget I'm pregnant till I feel a kick or a sharp pain. At least it's a reminder that I should probably sit down for a bit...

Also, what's a bump date? Bumpies (aka selfies of your bump) are less frequent this time around. See above paragraph about wild toddler for details. 



I tear up every. single. time. someone mentions my daughter no longer being an only child. The fact that we only have 120 days left of it being just her and I, it makes every second with her that much more special. 

I worry she will be jealous, or angry at us for having another baby. I don't want her to think I love her less now that we are taking care of a child other than her. The thought of it tears me up inside. I want her to always know how much I love her, and how special she is. She is the one that made me a mother after all...okay let me stop before my keyboard short circuits from my tears.



What's it like being a mom of two? Asking for a friend...just kidding, I'm asking for me. 

I have NO idea what it will be like having two little ones running around. I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it. I'm afraid of losing the little bit of sanity I have left. Will I ever sleep again? Will I be able to breastfeed like last time, or will I face challenges? Will labor be worse than last time? Will the delivery go smoothly? Will I end up with PPD? 


At the end of the day, who knows if this will be the last pregnancy I ever experience. If so, I am soaking up every second of it, good and bad. And I am beyond grateful I get to bring another beautiful baby into the world. 

To those that are currently pregnant, I wish you a smooth 9 months and and even smoother labor and delivery!


-Kristin Blyth, owner + creator of Free the Mother®

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