Stories of Motherhood: Uncensored

20 Things I Learned In My 20's
I turned 30 this year so I can't help but reflect on my twenties. I mean, these were serious life-changing years. I went from starting my twenties living with roommates and going to college, to bei...
blog post
To the Mom Who Refuses Help: Stop It
For my entire life, I HATED asking for help. I used to think asking for help was a sign of weakness. I always told myself I never needed anyone for anything. I wanted people to think I knew how to ...
baby #2
Why Your Second Pregnancy Is Different Than Your First
*Before we get started, let me apologize now for any misspelled words, grammar mistakes and unfinished thoughts. Pregnancy brain is in full swing. I wake up every day thinking its Monday*
Once I kn...

blog post
Should We Have Another Baby?
Since I can remember, I always wanted multiple children. Having one never seemed enough. My daughter is 18 months old. Lately, I've been asking myself [and my husband], "When should we have another...
Who Takes Care of Mom?
The day my daughter was born, I let myself go. I know that sounds dramatic, but it's true. The second my doctor put my 8 pound baby on my chest, I unconsciously told myself I now come second. I wo...
Fourth Trimester
Honestly, motherhood is hard as hell. It’s ram your head through a wall hard. It’s cry your eyes out at two in the morning hard. It’s wanting to scream at the top of your lungs 23 hours of the day ...
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One Week Postpartum Thoughts
First week postpartum and I must admit it’s been a whirlwind of a journey. This being my 3rd c-section I remembered some discomforts and “things” that may happen in the days and weeks to follow. I ...
A Mirror of My Selfishness
Before having kids, I wasn’t what you’d typically call a “party girl”, in the sense that you wouldn’t always find me out on a Friday or Saturday night. I’m quite the opposite really, a homebody by ...
How Babies Can Affect Your Marriage [Part 1]
Photography by Lindsey Tuscany
I am not a marriage expert. I am not a baby expert. However, I am a wife and first time mom.
I have been a wife for almost three years, and together we have an 11...