20 Things I Learned In My 20's

20 Things I Learned In My 20's

I turned 30 this year so I can't help but reflect on my twenties. I mean, these were serious life-changing years. I went from starting my twenties living with roommates and going to college, to bei...

Who Takes Care of Mom?

The day my daughter was born, I let myself go. I know that sounds dramatic, but it's true. The second my doctor put my 8 pound baby on my chest, I unconsciously told myself I now come second. I wo...

A Mirror of My Selfishness

Before having kids, I wasn’t what you’d typically call a “party girl”, in the sense that you wouldn’t always find me out on a Friday or Saturday night. I’m quite the opposite really, a homebody by ...

How Babies Can Affect Your Marriage [Part 1]

Photography by Lindsey Tuscany I am not a marriage expert. I am not a baby expert. However, I am a wife and first time mom.  I have been a wife for almost three years, and together we have an 11...

On Cloud 9

The story of my son's birth wasn't originally intended to be a homebirth.  Originally, we had planned to have our son at a free standing birth center, but due to circumstances beyond our control, t...

The Journey of a Home Birth

When you think of a birth story, you might just think of the labor and delivery part but in the case of me and my son, Silas, getting to that part was a whole story on its own. I wouldn't be doing...

The First Two Weeks Are The Hardest

Breastfeeding didn’t start out how I had dreamed & hoped for... We ended up finger feeding my expressed milk for the first 2 1/2 weeks! Yes, my hubby & I almost went crazy. It was so incred...

Just Because It's Natural, It Does NOT Mean It's Easy

I’m currently a mother of two little boys under the age of two. As if that weren’t enough of an adventure, I also decided that I wanted to take on breastfeeding with my second. I would like to men...

Embracing My Postpartum Body

A close mommy friend of mine saw me wearing this bikini and said to me “Wow! I didn’t realize how much stretch marks you have.” The old me would’ve taken that comment, allowed it to affect my self...